Base Airdrop Farming Checklist

BASE: incubated by Coinbase

If you want to join The Alpha Club 
A web 3 profit hub where the main goal is financial freedom among it’s members utilizing airdrops, coins, calls and all relevant Web3 categories..
- You can check if this phase is full or not and join HERE, I Recommend reading the HOW IT WORKS page for a full understanding!

Before you start

The Video that goes with this checklist so you can have a clear understanding is on the Youtube channel

Farming Frequency
It’s recommended to farm the base network (complete these steps) weekly or at least monthly as more active users always get a bigger airdrop!

Farm Cost
Establish an amount of funds you will dedicate to this farm, once you get onto base its affordable but the bridge will cost eth gas fees which can be high, to get them lower, do them very early in the morning or late at night. Starting as low as $75 - $100 take farming frequency above into account when making a decision, gas fees can be found here but are usually under 20 cents each on the game I show you they’re 1 - 2 cents

You will need an EVM wallet, Metamask or Rabby will work, I use Rabby.
- Under Rabby Points in wallet use code DARXY for a bigger Rabby airdrop.

Step 1
open the corresponding Youtube video to ensure max gains

Step 2
Bridge using the official base bridge, people say to use but it is no longer a recommended bridge by base since their own bridge has come into play

Step 3
If you want to go about this yourself you can utilize defilama to see the top used dapps on base

first we are going to need to do some swaps. It’s smart to use dapps built on base for base as interaction with the ecosystem at it’s core has historically rewarded the most.
For Swaps these are the recommended sites (feel free to alternate these 2 platforms) 

Step 4
Interaction aside from bridging or swapping is something I highly recommend,

Fren Pet is one of the most popular games latley and i actually play it myself and show you in the video but theyre reviving the tamagotchi era in a totally new multiplayer fashion right on base where you can mint a pet and earn points you can use code fp-wv8fr8u to get 10% extra points and this game will net you a bunch of cheap or free transactions, super sweet

Another simple task would be interacting with base name service

To keep up with updates and stay ahead of the game I recommend

either following me on twitter 

Joining The Alpha Club where im in the chat everyday almost all day

Or Throwing the bell on at my Youtube channel

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