Layer Zero Airdrop Farming

Checklist & Links

Why is The Alpha Club such a financial powerhouse?

The Alpha Club is a Web3 profit hub where the main goal is financial freedom among all of it’s members! Utilizing airdrops, coins, calls and all relevant Web3 categories with a growing research team stacking connections throughout the space for the type of info that breeds millionaires.

The Alpha Club is fully sold out in the current phase 
but since you signed up your email you will be notified of openings!
ATTENTION Price in the next 2 phases is $37.99 will be raised to $1337 when its temporarily full. (Work around due to bad programmers at beehive)

NEW DISCORD (80% done)
premium members will gain access to the premium section when the time comes through the “Alpha Pass” role which functions like the telegram did but better!

First off open up the video to follow along (There’s a goodie at the end for)

1. we're going to join their discord because being an active community member has been a topic for layer zero. How would they tie this to your wallet you may ask? well when the airdrop happens its not abnormal on the claim page to have to connect socials, it would then read the information like how long a person was a member and how many messages where sent which would then add a multiplier or straight ZRO coins to your airdrop total!

2. Next we will go over multiple of the most efficient farming options that will move the meter for this airdrop,

3. we're going to need an aptos wallet for this i use the martian wallet since it also supports sui and its super clean and user friendly it takes 2 minutes to set up if that

4. The first option and one i do personally is using the layer zero aptos bridge this will also work on your aptos airdrop with the same transactions and you don’t even have to touch the ethereum network, screw that guys and his gas fees

Bridging to and from a few times a week or month when you remember or if you could set alerts to remind you is a hard hitting option for this. you can use binance smart chain, polygon and others to make it cheap, when bridging use around 70% of your funds to ensure volume and some gas money. You can bridge however much your comfortable with and a bridge there and back counts as 1

5. The next option is pontem network which would be the same as the prior step, the reason for multiple bridge options is diverse app interaction helps them know you are indeed a real person and there’s been multipliers in the past on airdrops for ecosystem usage.

6. next is a bit different Radiant Capital is an omni chain lending protocol and is available on both Arbitrum and BSC as it is built on LayerZero as well. here you can lend and then borrow against what you’ve leant, this is a good option because instead of bridging every time you can more so set and forget it and let things rack up that way. I use this as well as bridging.

now before we get into the next bit here and that other killer airdrop im going to direct you to

the alpha club has fully sold out and reached capacity for this phase the club is expanding rapidly and currently moving over to discord. The Alpha Club is a Web3 profit hub where the main goal is financial freedom among all of it’s members! Utilizing airdrops, coins, calls and all relevant Web3 categories with a growing research team stacking connections throughout the space for the type of info that breeds millionaires.

7. so the next choice here is hash flow a cross chain dex that uses layer zero and has 0 slippage this is backed by a ton of prominent players in the industry and is very easy to use making it a great option for bridging and ecosystem exposure

To keep up with updates and stay ahead of the game I recommend

either following me on twitter 

Joining The Alpha Club where im in the chat everyday almost all day

Or Throwing the bell on at my Youtube channel

The Alpha Club - Disclaimer:
The information provided in this newsletter is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as financial advice. The content is based on the personal opinions of the author and is not intended to be a substitute for professional financial advice, diagnosis, or treatment. No Financial Advisor Relationship: The author is not a licensed financial advisor, and the content of this newsletter is not tailored to any specific individual's financial situation. It is important to seek the advice of a qualified financial professional before making any financial decisions. Risk Warning: Cryptocurrency investments involve a high level of risk, and past performance is not indicative of future results. The author does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information provided in this newsletter. Independent Research: Readers are encouraged to conduct their own research and consult with a qualified financial professional before making any investment decisions. The author assumes no responsibility for any losses or damages resulting from the use of the information provided in this newsletter. No Endorsement: The mention of specific cryptocurrencies, projects, or services in this newsletter does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation. The author is not affiliated with any cryptocurrency projects and may hold positions in the assets discussed. Changes to Information: The author reserves the right to modify, update, or change the content of this newsletter at any time without prior notice. No Liability: The author is not liable for any errors or omissions in the content of this newsletter or for any actions taken in reliance on this information. Readers are solely responsible for their own investment decisions. By accessing and reading this newsletter, you acknowledge and agree to the terms of this disclaimer.