Phantom Wallet Airdrop Checklist

on Solana

A couple Things that would help you immensely before we get into the checklist.

1. GET IN THE DISCORD! (so much help & direction is available)

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Step 0
Open the video to make this 100x easier

Step 1
Download your phantom wallet and store the seed phrase in a secure location!

Step 2
Listen to the explanation in the video, this only needs to be done once but will give you a huge leap in understanding and proper farming techniques, getting blacklisted and wasting all your work would absolutely suck, Leave a happy face comment so i can spot the real ones

Step 3
Complete Quests As The Pop Up: located right in the wallet the quest tab is something to keep an eye on

Keep in mind
holding top nfts in your wallet and interacting with different projects in the discovery tab are also valuable in increasing your airdrop i wouldn’t recommend going out and perusing this my way of going about it is just letting it happen naturally because the ways we're about to discuss are a lot more effective in building up airdrop size, so aside from making sure to do the quests i only interact with things in the discovery tab if it makes sense, i also get plenty of interaction through farming airdrops like magic eden, parcl, kamino and marginfi just to name a few

Step 4
next up is one of my favorite methods and one of the easiest which is staking this is done right inside the wallet, for example if you click on your sol, you will automatically load a staking section on the coin page asking you to stoke to earn rewards and to make it even better phantom has their very own validator eliminating any validator confusion and making it very straight forward. so staking through the wallet will have a positive set and forget effect on your airdrop and i recommend throwing some money in there and adding to it Afterall we are in a bull run so this could act as a savings account for you thats also earning you a phenomenal return on investment while at the same time increasing that future phantom airdrop for you.

Step 5
next up is swaps i hear alot of people saying to just swap as much as you can but without an actual number to work forward to your basically just shooting in the dark and its not very satisfying since there’s no completion metric.

through all my time hunting airdrops i've found the sweet spot and it has do do with volume, this is not based on howmuch money you lose in fees or gas its only based on the volume you swap for example 1 thousand in swap volume may only cost a few dollars but when people hear that the magic number for swap volume is 10k they immediately shut down, this should be done over weeks not in one sitting since a real user like we discussed in the video would be using the platform over time not in one concentrated sitting, so it could easily look like this, when you get on swap 100 or 50 bucks from usdc to sol or just use the wallet for all your swapping needs and it will build up automatically, either way 10k swap volume is the minimum if your looking for a giant airdrop

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