The Alpha Club Is Born

What to expect and how to get on the team!

Claim your limited time pass!
People who join in the first month (February) get a PERMANENT 75% discount to their sub for being an early supporter, this comes out to 9 bucks. I wanted a way to show some actual appreciation and i figured that would be the best way for starters. Claim your Perma early bird deal here → Click Me!

What is The Alpha Club?

The Alpha Club is an avenue to grind, a place to learn and get rich, somewhere to make friends with like minded goals because after all study’s show we are who we spend the most time around. What ever you think about most has a big impact on how successful you are. If the club can help people think about bettering their lives as well as their financial status and then give them a way to actually do it through something they can get excited about, I believe we’ll be doing our job.

I’m so excited to finally be doing this I’ve been planning it for a long time now and I’m going to build an actual community that’s known throughout Web3 filled with friends who actually care if one another succeeds or not and a group where we can get invested in wide spread success among members.

As for what the group actually entails

There’s 2 main telegram groups, 
The HyperChat is the main where we talk, plan, print and help each other.

T.A.C Signals is where setups, signals, alpha, updates and big news gets posted. (The reason to separate them is because if someone can only check a couple times a day its nice to not have to sift through messages to find the important bits.)

There’s also the Free Announcement channel for non members to stay up to date. Then the Support Channel incase you pay through the website or CryptoPay and are unsure how to gain premium access to the website or get into the telegram groups.

As for the premium content,

Besides the signals group, the club fuels the weekly, monthly and in between posts on the website which also get sent out in email. Here we cover..

  • Setups for BTC and other coins including entry spots and take profit goals.

  • AltCoin Signals the goal is 3-10x gains I’m getting this automated with a machine learning trading algorithm. Still in the works.

  • Macro news on where the markets headed and what to expect for BTC price in the mid to long term.

  • In between main posts will be things like Airdrop quick guides.

  • Whale watch is something I’m putting together, where you’ll be notified in the posts and the signals channel when a whale buys a low cap coin, this is usually a pretty good indicator that they know something and often leads to big gains when analyzed correctly. (Manual as of right now but will be automatic)

  • Ordinal/NFT news and opportunities, even whitelists for those interested.

  • A course on how to actually trade and make weekly profits that tower over a full time job based around capitalizing on pain in the market so all you have to do is set up certain alerts and wait for them, then act. All will be in the guide to make you self reliant then I want to host a live class frequently to help and learn from people. (In The Making)

  • Market warnings so your whole crypto net worth doesn’t randomly drop 30%

    And more, but right now I want to hit a home run on these things as I think they will provide the most value. As the team gets bigger we will be able to do more but for right now we’re grinding!

    (If you want on the team and have any experience with trading, TA, signals or calls and setups in the web3 space please message me on telegram @DarxyWayne!)

Calling all Web3 Degens!
If you wish to join the team and provide calls, signals, alpha, setups or want to have your own credited section in the news letter on a given topic that your knowledgeable in and you think will help people gain an edge, please message me on Telegram or reach out in the support chat. We can set up a reccuring payment to you as well as a free premium sub. If you know your stuff we’ll make it worth it to help the rest of the club members.

Want to join?